Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday - What Does It Take To Truly Be Thankful?

Sometimes there comes a time in your life when you wished things were going differently.  Sometimes there comes a time in your life when you wished that your circumstances were completely different.  And, sometimes there comes a time in your life when EVERYTHING changes and it is then, at that very moment, that you realize that you had everything you had hoped for - you were just being ungrateful for it - unthankful.

Now you may have "thought" you were being thankful by "giving thanks" here and there, every so often, but realized you weren't giving true thanks. 

Philippians 4:6 - Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Ouch - be careful for nothing....don't take things for granted.  But in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. 

Folks, the times that we are living in are scary.  You can see the unfolding of the Bible as we speak.  We are ALL fighting a battle against Satan.  With this one Bible verse, it can open up the doors to a whole new life.  I am working on my own battles and this verse just reached out to me, like it was God taking me into His oh so loving arms, gently wrapping them around me, with Him saying "You have asked what you need to do.  Here is the answer:  Don't take anything for granted in this life or this world.  You may feel that you are at a standstill but sometimes it is okay to be standing still.  Pray to me on a constant, consistent basis.  I want to hear from you.  I want a steady ongoing relationship with you, My daughter.  Even though I know what you need, I need to hear it from You.  I am always by your side.  I will always protect you.  But, My child, I need you to come to Me.  Be thankful for the love and life that you have.  I never promised it would be easy.  There are going to be trials that you have to endure but know if you keep believing in Me and keep pushing through with faith, I will take the pain that you suffered through the trial and double it in joy.  My child, you are precious in My sight.  Keep your faith and communication with Me at all times.  Don't worry, My child, you are going to get through this." 

God is never surprised about our troubles or the trials that we face.  He is an all-knowing God.  But we HAVE to invite Him into our circumstances before He can start to work.  We have to thank Him for all that He has done and for all that He is.  And we have to ask for help with our situation by praying.  He is there - always. 

So if you are reading this and you feel like you wished things were going different in your life - take a step back because in an instant they can change...and sometimes they do not change for the good - sometimes they have the potential to change for the bad.  Be thankful where you are.  Give thanks to God for He is so good! 

What are you thankful for today?

~ Amy

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