Saturday, June 27, 2015

I Am Officially Back...By Multiple Requests!

I have had multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE, requests for reviews to perform and even people sending me emails telling me that they really enjoyed my marriage posts and hoped that I would start again.  A lot has happened since I last blogged, a lot of life-changing things, but I am still standing and I have learned a lot of things.

So, after some thought, I realized how much I missed blogging and the opportunities that were out there.  I am ALL IN and I am excited!  You need to be excited too because there are going to be LOTS of fun things, lots of great giveaways, and several surprises that are coming VERY SOON! 

Thanks for sticking around and be on the lookout for just plain awesomeness! 



  1. Yay! This is great news! I am looking forward to reading your blog again! Glad you are up and running again!


  2. You must feel so wonderful to have so many requests to come back!

  3. Thanks Kelli! I appreciate that! I have learned many lessons in marriage and, you know what, we never stop learning!

    Thanks Brenda! It does feel wonderful!
